Energy Healings and Healing Massage

USD50 / 60 Minutes

Ala bali muscle release or elemental balancing with pak wayan

Intuitive deep tissue body massage and the energy healing to relieves stress and pleases aching muscles

Ala bali reflexology with pak gede

Therapeutic reflexology on feet and hands, emphasizing powerful use of wooden massage

stick, combined with energy scan and energy transfer. This is a deep healing treatment involving

very strong pressure.

Ala bali deep reflexology with pak agung

Seriously move energy for powerful healing with a master healer through foot pressure points.

This is a deep healing treatment involving very strong pressure.

Ala bali taksu massage or cakra balancing with pak tirka

A holistic experience combining deep release acupressure with intuitive massage, energy

healing, and Balinese blessing.


Price Duration
USD 50 60 Minutes
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