
USD50 / 90 Minutes

Ala bali Hatha yoga

Classic and gentle yoga movement focusing on balancing the body, mind and spirit.

Ala bali Yin yoga

A feminine style of yoga asanas practice with prolong hold incorporated with the traditional

Chinese healing technique to increasing one’s self-awareness.

Ala bali Vinyasa yoga

Dynamic and flowing yoga asanas incorporated with the deep breathing to improve body

strength, flexibility and peace of mind.

Ala bali Qigong

The Chinese traditional technique involving body movement, breathing and concentration to

release the blockage emotion.

Ala bali Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a process of slowing down and touching deeply into life moment by moment.

To be mindful is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and all that you are

doing. Utilizing conscious breathing techniques, we focus awareness on the present moment,

calmly observing thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations, without forcing, judging, or hiding

from anything.


Price Duration
USD 50 90 Minutes
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